I personally never had a reading difficulty of any type. I learned to read quite easily. What I could never do is find my way anywhere. I'm in a mall, I stop to browse in a store, I go to leave the store, and I have no clue which way I was going. I have dreams, no nightmares about being lost. I panic when I'm asked to a party at an unknown destination and I have to go alone. I can't possibly go on vacations unless I'm with someone else. I actually bought an expensive GPS navigator and am afraid it will mal-function so I haven't used it. I bought it three years ago.
My friends just shake their heads and rarely let me drive or know to constantly give directions to and from the destination one direction at a time, which really disrupts good conversation.
I honestly did not realize that I am dyslexic...too close to home I guess. I wish there was more study on this REAL disability. It is comforting to know that it is not just my personal foible. Now if I could only find my car...
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