While this 'Helpline' is funny and no doubt applies to some commentators who've gone for ad hominem against Thunberg, it ignores those who don't criticise a child and largely support everything Thunberg says. This latter group reckons we should keep an eye open on vested interests in the Green New Deal, especially if corporate media doesn't provide oversight and scrutiny.
Thunberg's meeting with Obama leaves some people feeling a little uncomfortable, for example. You can see from this video - released by Obama's own office - that Obama uses Thunberg to further his own 'good guy on the right side of history' image. He doesn't include any audio of serious discussion and seems to infantilise Thunberg with childish fist-bumps. The fist-bumps on Obama's slick turf, imo, threaten to undermine her usual adult delivery and understanding of hard facts. Obama oversaw aerial carpet-bombing of Libya, and countless other fighter jet sorties that contribute hugely to air pollution - Pentagon is the world's second big polluter (I think?). He doesn't deserve to fist-bump with principled activists, giving himself cool cred with the youth: he should be hauled over the carpet and inveighed to self-reflect and educate his fellow Americans