Rubbish.. Archived Message
Posted by Gerard on October 1, 2019, 11:57 am, in reply to "No cognitive lapse my end, just reality"
What an assumption!!! She has Asperger' autistic condition,conditions which have increased hugely in incidence since the addition of new and more dangerous enviro-toxins to impact on the mother, foetus and developing endocrine system, these enviro-hormone-disrupters (esp. dioxins and furans), being produced by an industry (commercial and municipal incineration -something that also consumes low-level nuclear waste..which I have first hand knowledge of having taken pictures of barrels of low level rad. waste waiting to be burned at Rechem, Hythe, Hants-), designed to further enrich and enable the oil industry, an industry that is a (possibly "the"), major contributor to climate change..You don't seem to be seeing the person..are you only seeing the "class-in-itself"? Even the class-in-itself ("correctly"), needs to experience a moment of recognition and cognisance of its own intersectionalities...
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- Greta Thunberg Helpline - Ken Waldron September 30, 2019, 2:30 pm
- Haha! There you go Chris! Just what the doctor ordered! ;o) nm - brooks September 30, 2019, 2:42 pm
- Re: Greta Thunberg Helpline - turtleman September 30, 2019, 2:45 pm
- Ah, not on the right page? That's because you're an angry white man. nm - Jamie September 30, 2019, 2:47 pm
- Re: Greta Thunberg Helpline - margo September 30, 2019, 3:11 pm
- Re: Greta Thunberg Helpline - John Monro October 1, 2019, 12:45 am
- Of course, if Greta was an ISIS bride, she'd be deemed too immature to take responsibility - SueC October 1, 2019, 1:28 am