Re: No cognitive lapse my end, just reality Archived Message
Posted by Ken Waldron on October 1, 2019, 3:34 pm, in reply to "Re: No cognitive lapse my end, just reality"
" under the mantle of a 'Green Revolution' " -I think you mean Green New Deal: what is called the "Green Revolution" took place a while ago. "...which on closer inspection, ain't green at all and perpetuates the plundering of the lands where the minerals exist for all this greening technology." Depends on what that "Green New Deal" means doesn't it? At one end you are looking at a top down "solution" whereby the corporate and government entities responsible sell you greenwash: same story as ever merely rinsed with Ecover squeezy, and on the the other the active involvement of the mass of the public in the process as participants and decision makers. As far as I can see Thunberg appears dedicated the latter. "Its also rather strange you highlight a young woman expressing a desire to be schooled, despite efforts of religious nutters to prevent any education whatsoever - so, it really is strange that Thunburg calls for kids to go on Strike for the sake of the Climate, given many kid's don't have access too, or limited access too education, unlike young Thunberg." Nothing strange about it. You asked for an example which you claimed didn't exist where a poor Black or Asian child would be "listened" to because the elites would " not so happy being lectured by one of their actual victims." and I gave you what you asked for. On school strikes Thunberg's own was actually inspired by concerns similar to Malala Yousafzai's own plight where students from the Parkland school in Florida walked out of classes in protest against US gun laws that enabled a massacre on their own campus. Encouraging awareness of the issues and the paucity of efforts by the adult elite in Western countries through means of a one day strike I reckon would be a contribution to any child's education; not a deficit. I talk from experience, having skipped school at age 15 and hitchiked to Torness to protest against the UK governments nuclear program: the one that promised us energy so cheap it would be unmetred but in fact gave us the most expensive form of electricity generation ever. As evidenced by Calder hall and Chapelcross, it was effectively a scam to provide materials for nuclear bomb making: something that Tony Benn the Energy Minister at the time only admitted in his later years when he suddenly "discovered" the truth: that "..every nuclear power station in Britain is a bomb factory for America." I was the youngest protester there and remember proudly burning Benn's effigy on site which some clever wag had made into posters of Dennis the Menace. Craig Murray who was also there( he would have been about age 20: I don't recall him) says that taking direct Action against the British State " at Torness...was "a defining moment for my generation". Of course it was all terribly irresponsible: as a child I should have been diligently beavering away at school instead towards a respectable job instead: like some of my classmates who ended up building guided missile systems at Ferrantis to murder other peasants around the world.
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- Greta Thunberg Helpline - Ken Waldron September 30, 2019, 2:30 pm
- Haha! There you go Chris! Just what the doctor ordered! ;o) nm - brooks September 30, 2019, 2:42 pm
- Re: Greta Thunberg Helpline - turtleman September 30, 2019, 2:45 pm
- Ah, not on the right page? That's because you're an angry white man. nm - Jamie September 30, 2019, 2:47 pm
- Re: Greta Thunberg Helpline - margo September 30, 2019, 3:11 pm
- Re: Greta Thunberg Helpline - John Monro October 1, 2019, 12:45 am
- Of course, if Greta was an ISIS bride, she'd be deemed too immature to take responsibility - SueC October 1, 2019, 1:28 am