An amusing Twitter video. Thanks. Heartening in a way, but read the comments following - profoundly, profoundly depressing.
Greta Thunberg is a child behaving like an adult in a world where adults behave like children.
There is a serious perceptual psychopathy at play in the world at large, and no-one should expect a child or any one person in fact to deal to it.
Greta Thunberg herself is I believe beyond reproach. May be leeches have attached themselves to her and will suck her dry. But I tell you, the conversation in your local community will have changed a bit because of her. There is a bit of a stirring and concerned people have become a bit emboldened. She has single-handedly opened a book for people to read and discuss and she has got some pretty fervid opposition directed her way, which is a good sign that something is stirring
Will it be enough? A brave girl. A brave boy with his finger in the dyke saved his community, we won't be so lucky. No, I believe humanity has been plotting its course for immediate excitement over abiding existence for quite some time now. That's why we're in the scrape we're in now. Malthus, Erlich and Hansen will have their day.