Posted by Ken Waldron on October 1, 2019, 9:00 pm, in reply to "Re: Yousafzai "
Thanks: I've mentioned several times that I'm sceptical on the emotive use of children to further political causes and the vulnerability of encapsulating a cause in one celebrity individual. I certainly wouldn't put it past the CIA to blow her anonymity and put her life at risk to further the story they want to push. As I said above, the elite are forever seeking to use that publicity for their own aims. That doesn't of course reflect on Malala Yousafzai's own address to the president on his counterproductive murderous use of drones in the region. I always wanted to visit Swat btw: a beautiful land with an unique woodworking culture. The nearest I might get these days is admiring the little intricately carved Swati chest that sits in my hall: put together without so much as a nail or a screw.