to tom williams point "Until vehicle mechanics are licensed by law, standards will be uniformally low." a very sweeping statement.
people can go to local "tec" ! and do two year nvq motor vehicle course one day a week and end up being called mechanics/technicians ,the in workshop checking of their skills is a joke and a lot are "nudged" through
they then go on mot course but miss first part because they are trained to past that level !
they pass there mot course and become testers with in a lot of cases very rudimentary knowledge.
one we know has frequently to ask what certain parts of vehicle are called ,before failing them !
so basically its the system that is failing.
how would this licensing work ,would it be just another tier of legislation piled on top
of already a mountain of paperwork ?
and would this licensing stop people determined not to do a proper job from continuing to do sub standard work
how would it be policed
i know very good mechanics with no formal qualifications ,and i also know some over qualified mechanics who are less than good so whats the answer ?
this is not a stab at anybody just personal observation
the motor trade as always needed to improve its image but how is a big question
i dont think as "professionals" we should be afraid to say what we do in polite company , we probably know far more and can do more than most of them will
ever be able to do ,is that not the reason they come to us
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