Except when it all slows-up/grinds to a halt. A busy garage only works if you have routine, planning, structure and method. The usual unforseen hassle is part and parcel of the game and is allowed for when planning our working day. When our customers have taken time from work, gone for a pint/coffee/hairdo, or arrived in reception at the end of their working day expecting to have their invoice, MOT cert and car-keys waved at them by their smiling mechanic, only to be told they'll have to hang around on the off-chance that the system will start working, come back later or wait for the post, it becomes a 'bad thing'. We book tests every hour rather than every 3/4 - not because the test takes any longer, but to allow for hold-ups that are beyond our control. MOT test: £44.15 per hour. From being what I would have considered our bread-and-butter this time last year, I now think of having the capability to carry out tests as a convenience for ourselves and our customers, in that we don't have to go elsewhere for the dull sheet of A4. Been here since 6am and haven't had my coffee infusion yet, so might feel different later. ...If the computer logs-on the the first MOT ok. ;-( Regards, Joe
>>"All slots booked for 3 days, no trade discounts,no free re-tests" Surely that's no bad thing?
No bad thing at all.
Basic service/repair work: £46+ parts profit per hour.
Message Thread | This response ↓ MOT COMPUTER SYSTEM! - Bill Rutter March 20, 2006, 5:15 pm
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