This is just not true. Archived Message
Posted by Shyaku on July 30, 2019, 6:03 pm, in reply to "Re: Been having a laff at one of those dorks who KNOWS BEYOND DOUBT that a certain thing actually happen"
I have to comment on this because it simply falls below the bare minimum of veracity - People absolutely do go to a place then never return. Not sure what your thoughts are exactly, but how many people who climbed Everest ever did it twice? Please check the numbers. Amazingly, despite this, people went to the moon 7 times, an immeasurably more hostile environment than Everest, and yet, there was absolutely no reason - without the ability to stay for an exteremly limited time. Why did they go 7 times - to pick up more rocks? The places people stay, are where the environment is hospitable, resources abundant, and where there is also technical means to stay. Do you know how they had a shit on apollo? Into a bag. They took medication to make them constipated - deliberately. During moonwalks they wore diapers. There was no means to stay anywhere in space at the time, and no ability to stay outside earth orbit even now. There was no political will to continue funding it. NASA money went to develop reusable space craft instead, and to develop long-term endurance and life-support (the ISS). I cant see why that was not rational.With a view to returning at a later time. To be honest, there are no emotions at play here from me. I am simply on the other side of the argument from you. I am happy to continue to debate the points with you if you want to,
Message Thread:
- Been having a laff at one of those dorks who KNOWS BEYOND DOUBT that a certain thing actually happen - Rhisiart Gwilym July 27, 2019, 1:10 pm
- Re: Been having a laff at one of those dorks who KNOWS BEYOND DOUBT that a certain thing actually happen - Gerard July 27, 2019, 3:02 pm
- Re: Been having a laff at one of those dorks who KNOWS BEYOND DOUBT that a certain thing actually happen - Cobbett July 27, 2019, 10:47 pm
- Thx RhG - Totally absorbing & witty chapters from McGowan. I have read them all. - MikeD July 28, 2019, 4:06 pm
- In the spirit of celtic magic: Where are the embedded links and citations? - Shyaku July 28, 2019, 5:36 pm
- Was this fake too? - Shyaku July 28, 2019, 6:03 pm
- Re: Been having a laff at one of those dorks who KNOWS BEYOND DOUBT that a certain thing actually happen - Jamie July 28, 2019, 10:00 pm