Re: Alex Nunns finds a real authority on US trade talks Archived Message
Posted by dereklane on November 29, 2019, 6:27 pm, in reply to "Re: Alex Nunns finds a real authority on US trade talks"
Not sure standard in agriculture are higher in Europe in all sectors. Uks biggest issues is with things like methods for preserving fruit and veg for longer shelf life, which only requires us to stop dousing it unnecessarily. And again, we import a lot of food (60% last time I looked), and export a great deal too. Consuming what we grow here makes more sense all round. For years I've heard people here talking on and on about sustainability, now we seem to have ditched the concept in favour of senseless capitalism for good or bad. Why? if we don't want bad trade deals with the us why would we be happy with bad trade deals through the eu either? And, there are more than 2 places in the world!! Why such parochialism? If we get pissed that Johnson is completing the sell off of the nhs, is the solution to accept a different stupid and unsustainable lot because we're incapable of thinking of a third way? Brexit is not the problem, the problem is that it has been used to offer the public two choices; you can take the American way or the European way. Well, what about a British way? (That is, smaller deals with more independent nations). There are 190 others to choose from after all.