Saw a classic " Fail " today. Went down for a Incoming tide Fish. Two hours before High water.
Right in the guts of the high tide hole I fish. Yep there are two blokes putting out a Konitiki. Now there is like 10 kilometres of beach. And at the moment only three good surfcasting holes in that 10 K. So why oh why do they have to set in a hole. After all they fish well beyond the hole when they deploy.
So I am pushed out of the hole, and had to go three hundred metres down the beach to the other hole. Which isnt quite as good.
They deploy, I cast out. Quite a strong southerly wind blowing. And I was north of them. They must have just set the Kontiki for a five minute run, or the lowest setting they have.
Half an hour later I see the kontiki, its drifted my way, and seems to be comming ashore. Yep its past me now and getting closer to the shore.
In fact its going to go over my line. So I am forced to wind in. Thats the end of my days fishing. Oh look the kontiki is now on the beach. One guy trots down to retrieve it. The other trying to wind the line onto the winch. Onto his shoulder the kontiki goes. As he goes past me, not a word of apology, no nothing. And yet they saw I had to wind in. Otherwise I would have caught a Kontiki. Suppose I could have barbecued it on the beach. I was just a tad upset.
Now those types of people do not help the cause, so my kontiki Phobia is now even stronger. And I will have to up my medication.
Cheers Trev aka Hardy
Time to go fishing again 1