Re: More interesting stuff questioning the New Normal Archived Message
Posted by Ken Waldron on April 20, 2020, 11:40 pm, in reply to "Re: More interesting stuff questioning the New Normal"
"One opportunity is the usual power grab: more control of society for the elite." -That opportunity came about before Coronavirus when the Tories won a majority of 80 at the election: big enough to do whatever they like anywise. "So you think he suddenly does care about people's health?" - If you can abstract that from what I wrote above then it merely casts doubts on your comprehension ability. "We get endless estimates for how many deaths may result from COVID.." Estimates are estimates: on hard numbers its only recently that the actual figure of the daily dead has become easier to find, whilst those in English nursing homes are still not included in the official figures. "...but nothing about the consequences of the "cure" Does that bother you?" Why would it not? But that doesn't gives me leave to pretend that the virus is really nothing to worry about. Not taking it seriously is after all how the government got us into this mess in the first place.