Re: The majority mention pneumonia because that's how corona causes death Archived Message
Posted by dan on April 21, 2020, 7:15 am, in reply to "Re: The majority mention pneumonia because that's how corona causes death"
When I read Doc, from I think US (Seattle) writing it was an unusual disease with a unique presentation I thought yeah right, I've seen it all. More hubris - it really is unique. All this blathering about doctors diagnosing the disease without a Covid test is just that. The CT appearances are so unique that the Chinese were making the diagnosis that way for all patients. I would say that by the time a patient is ill enough to require more than 50% oxygen most clinicians could confidently make the diagnosis from xray and patternn of abnormal bloods including ferritin level which is abnormally elevated in most patients. Shyaku's article is a good effort at covering all the bases. The abnormal clotting is one of the most prominent peculiarities. Patient's are probably getting "microvascular thrombosis" - mini clots in their lungs - which makes ventilation very difficult. Also we are finding it very difficult to keep haemofilters running - they clot in 6 hours rather 3 days despite blood thinners like heparin - so we are getting through and running out of the sets used to dialyse people. One thing not mentioned and very unusual. Excessive inflamation of the trachea - wind pipe. When people begin to recover we put a tracheostomy in to allow them to breathe on a ventilator and be awake which helps recovery. We are stuggling to perform tracheostomies safely - there have been cases of bleeding and airway blockage and we are having to leave tubes in for a time after the lungs have recovered. The ICU mortality is double that of usual viral pneumonia. Your US doc says it will not be possible to argue with the overall mortality figures - some people will continue to confabulate a mysterious cause for what is staring them in the face. cheers, dan