Posted by turtleman on July 24, 2019, 12:02 pm, in reply to "Oh dear Turt"
I know, I realize the mistake. Let me reword it: Religion's purpose is to inspire human awareness of a Conscious Universe which is governed by the laws of Ultimate Reality, and to warn of the catastrophic consequences when humans stray from those laws. This is illustrated through poetry, stories and parables because man cannot live on mathematics and economics and fleshly concerns alone.
Man's innate hunger for the higher, Divine Truth is what is known as the religious instinct.
Therefore, religion is not a mere 'belief'.
Atheism, on the other hand, is a belief, a fundamentalist belief in materialism, rationality, and self. Atheists, in general, are not so much lacking in a belief in God, but rather embittered and hateful towards God and those who believe in Him. They mock that which they don't understand and that which they fear. Ultimate Truth is frightening to those who cling to materialism and self. The real cowards are the atheists, not the religious.
Marx detested God, and he did not love the poor but rather hated the rich. His was every bit a diabolical revolutionary spirit as the Talmudic Jews, Zionists, Freemasons and Luciferians of all stripes, don't let the differences in targets and goals fool you.
True media analysis cannot be done on a narrow materialist dialectic; propaganda cannot be countered with 'corrections' based merely on the true/false-lawful/criminal dialectic.
This is ultimately psychological investigation in a spiritual war in the realm of consciousness. All of this precedes the material, not the other way around.