Posted by turtleman on July 24, 2019, 7:28 pm, in reply to "Re: Oh dear Turt"
Propagandists utilize psychological knowledge and insights for the purposes of effective manipulation on a mass scale. This is - to a tee! - the biblical description of the Father of Lies, the Master Deceiver.
Religion provides instruction on how to master oneself, overcome our primitive impulses, desires, vanities and fears so that we can arm ourselves against The Deceiver.
Marxists and assorted flavours of materialists and atheists are so fixated on data and information. While these things are of course important, they alone cannot correct for the deceptions because - as science proves! - information has little effect on the mind heavily invested in differing information and narratives!
A fixation on equity, liberty, rights etc. puts one fundamentally on a defensive footing against a perceived enemy or enemies that threaten this desired equity, freedom, liberty etc. This takes away much needed strength, energy and focus towards personal responsibility, endurance, self-control, and being the heavenly example of courage and charity. Instead, their poor character - ingratitude, anger, vengeance, deception, etc. - can be blamed on society, their parents, capitalists, the Patriarchy, the church, and so on.
When 'religious' people do crazy things and support crazy things, it is not religion at fault, but rather the ignorant and corrupt heart of the zealot who lacks ears to hear and eyes to see while sure as hell believing they hear and see. In this way, Bible Belt bigots and radical liberals are quite similar to one another.
So, I am not pushing religion per se, but I am revolting against the New Atheist agenda which has convinced so many people to abandon not just religion but so much literature and accumulated knowledge that forms the basis of our best civilized values dealing with character, reason, and virtue. The self-righteous have low character. The dogmatic rights mongers have poor reasoning. The virtue-signalers have no virtue.