Posted by Bluefool on November 15, 2019, 11:26 am, in reply to "Great vegan athletes"
Oh, aye. I knew about Peter Siddle and there was a fella who played for Everton in the 70's maybe, but I forget his name. I'd have to ask my Dad! So I'm not trying to argue being a vegan makes you weak or anything.
I just, as invited, gave some arguments about against it. I do believe that if you're a vegan you're likely to have a healthier than average diet because you're by necessity conscious about what you eat and probably carefully choosing a variety of fresh food, rather than just stuffing your face with chips and ready meals, etc..
Being (almost entirely) carnivore works for me as I can stuff my face with as much meat and dairy as I can afford and I've still lost fat, gained muscle (without having to exercise at all), got rid of a load of niggling health complaints, have more energy and generally feel brighter all round. Without having to think too much about it!
I admire vegans for the instinct to not want animals killed as well. I just don't think it's anything like as easy a choice as that though, as I outline above.