Thanks - interesting, as your posts on such subjects always are. I'm sure what you say is right about better ways to manage the land. Though I'm not convinced it points to the conclusion that we need to eat animals, or even some animals. I'll have to look into this protein shortage a bit better but as far as I know we in the west eat more protein than we need, far more I think. Also the idea that protein needs to be from meat to be high quality, that's one reason I post stuff about vegan weightlifters and athletes. If it has to be nuts etc, there might be an issue of where it is all to come from. That's no reason to step stridently in that direction. Maybe ultimately something's gotta give, but steps towards vegan future will take a long time and I expect solutions could be found. I don't jump to the state of affairs where there is no meat, and no provision for adequate food, because it can't suddenly happen that way. If we ultimately couldn't go all the way it would still be vastly better from an ethical point of view. Cheers