Need to distinguish OUR governments from THEIRS..Archived Message
Posted by David Macilwain on April 22, 2020, 11:54 pm, in reply to "OffG and MoA debate C19"
Because I believe what MoA has said about con trolling the virus in Wuhan is valid - it was the separation of infected people from their families and isolation in quarantined quarters together with other infectees that allowed them to contain the outbreak. And I would trust what China did, fighting what now appears to be a bio-weapon attack, but I have absolutely NO trust in any of our governments' good or honest motives or simple ability to resist the opportunities for surveillance and civil control offered by the Virus. THe end that is desirable should also be a motivator - to end the lock-down as fast as possible before total chaos ensues. It also involves somehow allowing "herd immunity" to develop, perhaps in coordination with drug treatment, such that we can't be held indefinitely in this state of submission and effective Martial law.