If there are preventative gadgets/methods available that would help against mortality, in this current system I don't see how they could be implemented. The general feeling I'm getting is not 'if you feel sick check with your doctor (because gp surgeries are not operating normally I think), but rather 'stay at home and self isolate'. In other words, try to ignore it all and hope you get better. Hospitals therefore are getting patients at the point it's probably too late to help many of them. I had pneumonia a few years back in the middle of the 'beast from the east' when I couldn't get to the doctor without making a fuss (would have had to call ambulance). So I waited until the snow cleared and drove myself in (feverish), got some antibiotics and was ok, presumably young and fit enough to recover, or it wasn't too progressed or whatever. But people are being told it's their civic duty to self isolate and all the ads telling people if they feel ill do t go to the hospital/doctor (fine print call nhs hotline- good luck there I guess ATM!).
So for many (unless you're the pm), no help until possibly too late or you recover on your own.