On your first point, I doubt it will be; all associated other deaths due to lockdown and deferral of needy patients will exacerbate if anything. On your second, I agree. There seems little tolerance anywhere for taking your eye off covid and focusing on any other health (and mental health), and poverty related issues, which is a concern to me. It might be ok for the otherwise healthy and middle class, but there are millions that don't fall into that category. Dan has touched on it and pointed out that the whole thing is a big problem but it is a problem were not seeing in the stats ATM. Asking questions seems to get you slotted into category of anti lockdown (and worse conspiracy theorist), but there are other issues that need addressing before they come to fruition.
Trying to make sense of incomplete data too, and attributing value to our hubris (trying to stop a virus!) by our teasing of that data doesn't make sense. There are so many possible holes in the correlations I'm not sure it's possible to do sensibly.