Re: Nice Offguard article on AS - with superb comments from Bevin: Archived Message
Posted by johnlilburne on June 30, 2019, 6:14 pm, in reply to "Nice Offguard article on AS - with superb comments from Bevin:"
One of the problems with this campaign is that it has come to be seen as being, basically, about Corbyn and the Labour party whereas in fact it is about expanding the Israeli state’s license to kill Palestinians while being rewarded by taxpayers in the UK. The US hegemon essentially gives Israel a free hand to do what it likes because Israel is a key ally or vassal in a strategically important part of the world. The Palestinians are mere collateral damage. Unequivocal UK support for Israel is part of the deal the UK accepts for being a key vassal state of the US. It allows it to maintain for a bit longer its delusions of post-imperial grandeur. Even the suggestion that the UK's role and relationships as part of this 'alliance' might be changed is not allowed to be part of public discourse.