Playground language Archived Message
Posted by walter on July 1, 2019, 1:32 pm, in reply to "In which way do you disagree with the evidence presented?"
It doesn't prove your case, you have only considered the one explanation that suits your rigid political stance. The accusation is that Atzmon dislikes Jews in general; it doesn't take long to see that such links don't demonstrate that with the clarity required to draw the conclusions you are shouting from the rooftops. It's one interpretation sure, but as I said, he uses loose language and he is clearly more bothered by the politics of supporters of Zionism than by any perceived racial characteristic of Jewishness (which he would obviously share himself). As Zionism is an ugly politics that refers to Jewishness, it must be possible to refer to 'Jewishness' when the context of anti-Zionism justifies it. It would be better if he were much more careful in explaining his position. I'll engage with anyone but you are not engaging. I hope you do DADE me, I don't want to swap mindless insults or repeatedly references to body parts.