Re: Society has existed for as long as humans Archived Message
Posted by Poster123 on July 2, 2019, 8:26 pm, in reply to "Re: Society has existed for as long as humans"
This is upping the ante even more than your pedantic insistence on what defines the term "Jewish"; you really do seem to have a problem with accepting terms as they are commonly used & understood in almost universal contemporary usage. To assert that "tribal" is a racist term will be surprising news to people, especially those who consult dictionaries, as they will find the standard definition along the lines of this first one on google; "The state of living in a tribe is tribalism. This word is also used to describe situations where people are overly loyal to their own group." It's this second part that is the concept term universally accepted & frequently used in political, academic & sociological mainstream discussions, regardless and of course oblivious to your peculiar pov.