Re: I've read lots of Gilad's stuff. Never seen a hint of - real - anti-semitism. Left-factioneers at it Archived Message
Posted by AlanG on July 1, 2019, 11:11 am, in reply to "I've read lots of Gilad's stuff. Never seen a hint of - real - anti-semitism. Left-factioneers at it"
We were once upon a time taken in by the Atzmon haters. Then, after reading Finkelstein on his experience of being brought up to consider himself special because he was Jewish, whether or not he was devout, simply through cultural background and heritance, we understood where GA was coming from. He sees an arrogance among those people using their 'Jewishness' to uniquely qualify themselves to pronounce on the rights and wrongs of Israel that, though it befits members of a 'chosen people' does them no favours in the eyes of those who know the history of ideas about 'master races' and the outcomes of these. We have known and loved individuals among JfJfP and JBIG for a long time. Many of those are now fighting the good fight in JVL. We once worked with Tony Greenstein quite closely in one of his many campaigns to straighten out the PSC leadership. We used to take part in the Just Peace forum. We have absolutely no problem with the brilliant work of those people on behalf of Palestinians. What bemuses us is their entirely unself-conscious acceptance that they have a special interest and a special right to be heard in the Israel debate because of their Jewishness. The additional irony that many of them would never dream of going near a synagogue doesn't seem to figure. We continue to believe that Judaism is a religion, not a race or tribe, and that any attempt to confuse these categories plays into the Zionists' hands (not to mention the Nazis'). Gilad Atzmon spells out the problem and meets the fate of bringers of bad tidings throughout the ages.... As for those who point to GA being Israeli, well so is Moshe Machover. So is Amira Hass come to that.