Posted by Chris Rogers on December 2, 2019, 6:57 am, in reply to "Re: Does anyone remember the "late surges" of the Independence referendum"
Pure Bunkum Archived Message
Sorry Sergei,
Not too sure what neck of the wood you reside in within the UK, but Labour's Brexit policy as it now exists makes it very much a Remain Party, one of several Remain political groupings that have zero tolerance for democratic outcomes if said outcomes go against their expressed view - this is not democracy, this is tyranny.
As a life long Socialist who has utter contempt for any Institution that rams neoliberalism and austerity down our throats, I'm appalled by the attitude of much of the Labour Party with regards those who voted to Leave the EU, among them one McDonnell.
In 2017 the Labour Party was not seen as a Remainiac Party, rather, the Manifesto clearly stated that the 2016 Vote would be upheld and that the Party would negotiate a Deal with the EU that would protect worker interests.
As of September, we have a majority of the PLP opposed to the diluted Brexit policy Conference voted for, we have senior Shadow Ministers clearly indicating regardless of what Brexit Deal is negotiated with Brussel's that they will bin it, they will bin it as the Party has now adopted a Second Referendum policy, the expressed aim being to overturn the 2016 Brexit Vote. And how can this be?
Quite simple really, the Confirmatory Vote Ballot will have a Remain option on it, rather than what should be on the Ballot if upholding the 2016 Verdict, namely, a No Deal Brexit under WTO Rules, or, a New Deal negotiated by Corbyn.
The fact remains, why would the EU negotiate with Corbyn a Deal better than that negotiated with the Tories if the majority of both the Party membership and PLP will Campaign to overturn both Brexit and a Corbyn Deal - this makes zero sense, and most on the Left and within the Working Class fully understand this fact - we ain't stupid, but evidently the upper Middle Class running the LP think we are not only stupid, but racists too - hardly an encouragement to vote Labour is it?
Still, whilst I oppose the Party's present EU stance, my 12 December Vote has already been cast and cast for Corbyn - I cannot say this of my peer group in South Wales though I'm afraid to say.