Posted by Chris Rogers on December 3, 2019, 5:32 am, in reply to "Re: Pure Bunkum "
As Historical Revisionists go you are one of the best, and as stated previously, your responses on this thread are in many ways most similar to the Clinton Brigade that could not get over the fact they lost the 2016 US Presidential Election under the electoral rules.
You claim the EU Referendum was an advisory vote, alas, all pronouncements during the EU Referendum clearly indicated the Vote was a once in a lifetime opportunity and that said result would be honoured to the letter - indeed, Mr Cameron sent out a note to all households in the UK claiming as such and all campaigned under this belief, namely that the Result of the EU Ref would be upheld - unfortunately for the Establishment (Europhile in the Majority) the UK electorate voted to Leave the UK, and, lest we forget, said vote was closely mirroring that of the Scottish IndyRef - 45/55 split, until Jo Cox was murdered.
Further, after the count was in the first politician to call for Article 50 to be enacted was none other than the Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition - maybe his opinion one day after was also advisory, although his opinion suggested otherwise - no doubt Corbyn is also stupid in your opinion and doing the Tories work for them, though how you come to said conclusion confuses me as its the Will of the Electorate, not of a Party or groupings within Political Parties.
Now, the general electorate voted to exit the EU, this against the express wishes of the majority of our establishment and majority of elected Parliamentarians - since that time its been one charade after another to stop Brexit, one excuse after another to stop Brexit, which was the express will of the people.
Indeed, for those who understand the effect of Propaganda, the pro-EU Propaganda has been impressive, as we have witnessed in the changing Labour Party policy towards the EU and its endorsement of a Second Referendum, a Second Referendum mean't to overturn the result of the First Referendum.
Now, and regardless of Party affiliation or which way you vote, you either accept democratic outcomes, or you don't, and if you don't accept said outcomes you can't be in favour of democracy, rather, you believe in tyranny or authoritarian governance, which I certainly don't.