Posted by dereklane on December 2, 2019, 4:21 pm, in reply to "Re: Pure Bunkum "
Someone put a figure of 5 million labour voters voting leave. The important point is that the majority of voters voted leave. For the Labour Party, the concern should be upholding a popular vote, and honouring those votes of that 5m within its own party. Not doing so is asking the impossible (vote for us this time where we promise to uphold your vote so that we can ignore the last big vote you cast). Either you believe in the power of a vote (referendum or general election), or you don't. So labour's position currently is a pick and choose affair. As a result they will lose votes from last time and won't get any that might have voted for them over tories had they chosen to be clear about upholding the referendum result.
Add to it the wishy washy response to as claims (which for some shows they have racism within their party and for others shows they are happy to be caught up in pointless scandals rather than focusing on important issues), their blairite gems within the manifesto, and the beige reforms On redressing rich poor gaps, and there isn't a lot for new or swing voters to sink their teeth into. If they lose, it won't be anyone's fault but the Labour Party itself. And if they go the democrat route of spoilt bitterness, they lose even more in the following years. Not because the public wants to be screwed more by the tories but because they will be tired of putting their faith in a non starter.
I'm still interested in seeing a labour win just because I'd like to see if my thoughts on what they would do with a win play out as I think they would. These days it's more as a curious bystander.